Congratulations to the 2025 Campspot Award Winners! See the List!
April 5, 2024
Haley Dalian
Simplify your reporting processes with these timely and reliable dashboards in Campspot.
As a campground operator, the number of business metrics you’re expected to track can seem overwhelming. This expectation could be driven by many sources—your own diligence, business partners, competitors, industry pundits—but it’s often most stressful when those metrics are difficult to access and comprehend.
At Campspot, we help to deescalate those concerns and increase the bandwidth of our partner operators through powerful, reliable reporting. Heading into your peak season of camping, there are a few key types of reports as well as performance indicators you should be monitoring for maximum strategic decision-making. Let’s review those now and discover how peace of mind is available at your fingertips.
Whether you want to compare one month, quarter, or year to the last, Campspot’s Flexible Comparison Tool makes it straightforward. The Flexible Comparison Tool dashboard has the ability to filter by many different periods—such as month-over-month, quarter-over-quarter, year-over-year, and week-over-week. This dashboard provides a high-level view of your business’ health and performance across any of these time horizons. Within the dashboard, operators can view and compare occupancy, average daily rate (ADR), and revenue per available site (RevPAS).
This dashboard contains net site nights, revenue ADR, and RevPAS by month with year-over-year comparison.
All data on this dashboard uses end-of-the-month reporting to show performance against the previously requested time period (i.e., a prior month, quarter, or year). This is invaluable information for self-gauging trends that are unique to your park’s situation.
The Business Mix Analysis report outlines the different proportions of guest makeup a park hosts at any given time, such as extended stay versus transient guests. This level of knowledge can help you shape future marketing efforts, amenity additions, rate adjustments, and more based on your target audience.
One multi-park operator had this positive experience to share about the tool:
“Having an instant pulse on our business mix through this report showed us that we can no longer rely on nightlies and weeklies. When in the past we would have never considered advertising to traveling nurses and other niche extended-stayers, we now know to look at them as a viable market.”
Read Next: The 7 Most Popular Dashboards in Campspot Analytics
Having a reliable feedback loop in place is critical for either positive reinforcement of your decision-making or to provide evidence to change course. Capturing and making sense of revenue fluctuations from many available streams is one key feedback loop that’s often tricky to follow. That’s why the Campspot Value dashboard helps managers track and understand which of Campspot’s revenue-generating features are working best for them.
The dashboard shows the status of each feature and displays the amount of revenue generated per feature over the last year. The features a park can track include Add-ons, Dynamic Pricing, Grid Optimization, Campspot Marketplace, and Lock Site.
When each new peak season is approaching, it’s a good habit to review your top revenue streams from the last year and identify new revenue optimization opportunities. Having a handy report that automates this best practice for you is a win-win.
If you often think about where your park stacks up against the competition, you’re a savvy business owner. And while the outdoor hospitality industry is more amicable than most given the variety of camping niches, it’s wise to periodically measure market trends against yours.
That’s where Signals assists. Unique to Campspot, this analytics dashboard provides an anonymized view of how your park compares to other campgrounds of your competitive set who are using Campspot Software.
One example of this is through the Day of Week Performance Report that allows you to visualize your market positioning for weekday stays and weekend stays in comparison to your competitors in terms of occupancy, ADR, and RevPAS. You can also filter by a range of trailing stay dates and campsite categories.
Driving adequate revenue is one thing. Knowing the source and nature of that revenue in order to drive more revenue is a game-changer. The Park Overview dashboard helps level up your understanding of reservations across insightful criteria.
The dashboard details net reservations booked by source and by category, reservation value by booking window, net reservations by campsite type, and overall net charges. The top of the dashboard features a snapshot of the day’s average booking window, average length of stay, and the status of several revenue-generating features if utilized by the property.
When in a hurry, these are the top-line stats an operator needs to be able to quickly find and mentally digest. That’s the benefit of visually-compelling reporting built right into your reservation software.
Read Next: Campspot Analytics: Validating Business Decisions and Delivering Peace of Mind
Campground managers have to constantly attend to daily needs on their properties. Beyond the demanding physical aspects to campground management, keeping up with the fluxes of incoming and departing campers can be equally as hectic. The Operations Summary dashboard keeps you in the know as to what is happening at your campground on a daily basis.
In one streamlined dashboard, staff can easily view how many arrivals and departures are expected for the day, as well as the number of daily add-on reservations. You’ll also see charges and payments across all reservations for each day.
The Occupancy Pacing Report is a true gem within Campspot Analytics. It allows a user to view future site nights currently on the books and compare them to the number of site nights they had for the same day the previous year. This pacing style of reporting helps operators understand whether they are overselling or underselling for a certain weekend, for example.
To gain this same insight and detail without Campspot, one would have to keep a record of their future booked nights every day and dig up this copy later on command. Instead, Campspot’s reporting interface displays this historical comparison in a neat side-by-side chart.
When there’s a slower start to the new year, the Occupancy Pacing Report is a reliable source for operators to turn to about where and why there are soft dates across their inventory. Even in times of uncertainty, more data can empower you to push past such challenges or creatively outthink them.
Whether you consider yourself a data-minded person or loath crunching numbers, there’s a Campspot report out there to simplify your workflow and guide confident decisions going forward. View our full suite of reporting capabilities.
Haley Dalian is a lifelong Michigander who takes advantage of recreation throughout the state’s changing seasons—from snow skiing to scuba diving in the Great Lakes. A former Campspot marketing manager, Haley holds a B.A. degree in public policy from Michigan State University and an M.S. degree in sustainability from the University of Michigan. She is passionate about environmental stewardship, exploring the outdoors, and has never met a potato she didn’t like.
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