2025 Campground Amenity Trends — Get the Guide!
Is your campground management and reservation software working for you? Parks using Campspot grow revenue every year. See what incremental revenue you could be earning for your park if you made the switch to Campspot.
Spending money on software doesn’t have to be just an expense. Plan for success with your reservation management software and understand what kind of ROI you can expect.
Simply fill out the form and calculate the value you could see with Campspot, based on current customer averages.
Locked Site Fee Revenue $XXXXX
Grid Optimization Revenue $XXXXX
Dynamic Pricing Revenue $XXXXX
Marketplace Incremental Revenue $XXXXX
Incremental Revenue using just Campspot Software $XXXXX
Incremental Revenue using Campspot Software + Marketplace* $XXXXX
*Parks using Campspot Software and featured on the Marketplace get a $1 discount on every booking.
Don’t leave an additional $X,XXX of potential revenue on the table every year!
CALCULATION ASSUMPTIONS: All data based on 2021 Campspot Software customer data | Locked Site Revenue: 35% of all Campspot Software consumer site reservations include lock site fee which averages to be 22% of total revenue | Grid Optimization Revenue: Average park using Grid Optimization gets 21 additional bookings per year | Dynamic Pricing Revenue: Assumes based on occupancy, that park gets benefit of two logical pricing rules to either grow occupancy or Average Daily Rate depending on starting spot | Marketplace Incremental Revenue: Assumes 10% growth in bookings from Marketplace with average Length of Stay = 3 Days
While the figures generated by the campground revenue calculator are not guaranteed, they are based on actual park growth results on Campspot for parks using Campspot in 2021.